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94-Year-Old Woman Fights Against Government Theft of her Home Equity

๐Ÿงต The TL;DR

Geraldine Tyler is 94 and fighting against the government's ability to take away citizens' homes if they fall behind on their taxes. This is legalized larceny and Tyler's goal is to prevent it from continuing to happen. Several people have fallen victim to the government's policies of home equity theft, including Tawanda Hall and Kevin Fair, who were both left homeless.

    ๐Ÿ”‘ Key Points

  • Geraldine Tyler is 94 years old and is currently fighting against the government's policy of home equity theft.
  • This is perfectly legal in 12 states and is considered state-sanctioned robbery as it targets the most vulnerable.
  • Tawanda Hall lost her home and life savings, while Kevin Fair was threatened with losing his house over an unpaid $588 tax bill.

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